Monday, October 11, 2010

Phnom Penh

This morning, we flew to Phnom Penh, arriving around noon. The hotel is located in the center of the city and is perfectly lovely.

Afer lunch, the delegates went to the BNG Legal firm in Phnom Penh. Once again, we were delighted to be greeted by an American of foreign parentage - this time by Attorney Seda Norodom, who is from California, but has been living in Cambodia and working for the BNG Legal firm, doing primarily adoptions. With her colleagues, particularly Mr. Hem, we learned about the progress of the Cambodian legal system. Some of it was adopted in 1993 and more is being adopted all along, including a new criminal code which goes into effect next year. While much remains to be done for improvement, in 234 years, the American legal system is also a work in progress. While they have a way to go, there are making substantial progress and we truly appreciated the lawyers in the discussing it with us.

Tomorrow, the National Museum and the killing fields.
P.S. to Sandy Walsh: Please note picture of Tom above!
P.P.S. to Denise: Please note pictures of David and Deb.
P.P.P.S. to anyone else who reads this: Yes, I take requests!

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